Can someone please help me I am trying to expand the array on one of my servers. Its a PowerEdge 6850 with controller PERC 4/DC and I have my C drive on Array Disk 0:0 and E Drive on Array Disk 0:1 and they both are 72GB drives. But when I open Dell Open Manager and look at my Array Disk I have Used RAID Disk Space 33.87GB on both drives and Available RAID Disk Space 34.38GB. I want to be able to use the whole disk space but dont know how to expand the array so that windows see's the extra space. Can someone please help me.
Can someone please help me I am trying to expand the array on one of my servers. Its a PowerEdge 6850 with controller PERC 4/DC and I have my C drive on Array Disk 0:0 and E Drive on Array Disk 0:1 and they both are 72GB drives. But when I open Dell Open Manager and look at my Array Disk I have Used RAID Disk Space 33.87GB on both drives and Available RAID Disk Space 34.38GB. I want to be able to use the whole disk space but dont know how to expand the array so that windows see's the extra space. Can someone please help me.