I am trying to get PowerBuilder and a Host Integration Server to get and update information on a DB2 database.
The HIS server has 2 stored procedures defined. The CREATE_VIEW stored procedure creates a view that selects the row to be updated.
The UPDATE_ROW stored procedure contains the SQL to update the row in the view created by the CREATE_VIEW stored procedure.
In the PowerBuilder code I have created an object ccd_sqlca which is inherited from Transaction.
Executing the CREATE_VIEW stored procedure works great.
Then the code calls the UPDATE_ROW stored procedure and gets an error. The SQLDBCode is 8524. The SQLErrText is 'The current transactin could not be exported to the remote provider. It has been rolled back.'
I have coded a second call to the UPDATE_ROW stored procedure immediately followng the first one and the row is updated beautifully.
I have tried several different things to get this to work. I have coded the update statement directly in the PowerBuilder code and issued the 'EXECUTE IMMEDIATE' statement. Same behavior, the first on returns an error and the second one updates the row.
Any ideas out there?