powerbuilder 6.5 needing to call api on network server.
Just have windows version (written in c) of ADP software and need to call api that is located on SQL server 2008 R2 box.
Created external function to call api, but need to know how to code and access SQL server 2008 R2 box. I can connect to the database on that box with no problem.
FUNCTION int CapiTaxRoutine (ref str_adp_taxinbuffer taxinparm,ref str_adp_taxoutbuffer taxoutparm, int taxin_length) LIBRARY "taxcommono.dll"
I have no idea how to do this and would appreciate any help I can get!!! code examples would be wonderful!!
Just have windows version (written in c) of ADP software and need to call api that is located on SQL server 2008 R2 box.
Created external function to call api, but need to know how to code and access SQL server 2008 R2 box. I can connect to the database on that box with no problem.
FUNCTION int CapiTaxRoutine (ref str_adp_taxinbuffer taxinparm,ref str_adp_taxoutbuffer taxoutparm, int taxin_length) LIBRARY "taxcommono.dll"
I have no idea how to do this and would appreciate any help I can get!!! code examples would be wonderful!!