I have MSProxy 2 SP 2 on an NT 4.0 network. We have just had a power failure and the UPS failed to keep the server alive!
Anyway the outcome is that nobody can now access the internet via the proxy server. It works it I bypass the proxy so I know for sure the firewall and router are ok and that the Proxy must have become corrupted.
The following services are running:-
default website unassigned 80
admin website 8991
webproxy running
winsock running
When you launch IE it asks you for you username and password as normal but then displays the default webpage in
From the proxy I can ping but I just cannot view yahoo in the browser.
I have checked DNS and it appears ok.
Any ideas please?
Thanks in advance.
I have MSProxy 2 SP 2 on an NT 4.0 network. We have just had a power failure and the UPS failed to keep the server alive!
Anyway the outcome is that nobody can now access the internet via the proxy server. It works it I bypass the proxy so I know for sure the firewall and router are ok and that the Proxy must have become corrupted.
The following services are running:-
default website unassigned 80
admin website 8991
webproxy running
winsock running
When you launch IE it asks you for you username and password as normal but then displays the default webpage in
From the proxy I can ping but I just cannot view yahoo in the browser.
I have checked DNS and it appears ok.
Any ideas please?
Thanks in advance.