I am familiar with doing the following with a TQuery using Delphi 6.
if dtsTRNSFR.state in dsEditModes then
qryTRNSFR.edit; // qryTRNSFR being a TQuery.
qryTRNSFRC_NO.value := qryCHILDC_NO.value;
Now I am using Interbase and want to do the same thing in a
SQL DataBase called PCHILD.gdb in which I have two tables called
CHILD and TRNSFR. Both of which also contain a field C_NO as
But I am using a IBDataSet (because this obviates the use of IBQuery
and IBUpdate since IBdataSet combines their functions) and there is
therefore no TQuery (as above) involved.
What do I do .. anyone?
if dtsTRNSFR.state in dsEditModes then
qryTRNSFR.edit; // qryTRNSFR being a TQuery.
qryTRNSFRC_NO.value := qryCHILDC_NO.value;
Now I am using Interbase and want to do the same thing in a
SQL DataBase called PCHILD.gdb in which I have two tables called
CHILD and TRNSFR. Both of which also contain a field C_NO as
But I am using a IBDataSet (because this obviates the use of IBQuery
and IBUpdate since IBdataSet combines their functions) and there is
therefore no TQuery (as above) involved.
What do I do .. anyone?