I have a trading partner that is posting data via a html form. When the TP enters a value like '&' it is posted as '&' which can cause issues on my end.
I can duplicate the problem but not sure how to tell them to fix the way their post is applied.
For now I am not sure that they have to fix it. That means, I am neither sure that your question belongs to this forum. Without seeing the raw data and the code which handles it, I can not suggest any correction or debugging steps.
I think you'll be much better off trying to fix the problem at your end rather than theirs.
Browsers follow a set of rules in converting the text entered into something that can be transmitted across the web. Changing those rules is going to be tricky.
Changing your code to deal with what you're given should be easier.
I suggest you pursue this issue in the forum relevant to whatever language your server-side code is written in.
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