I've set up a whitelist in postfix which appears to be working fine.
I also got a blacklist which is set to filter out russian emails.
/.*\@.*\.ru$/ REJECT No Russian mail, please...
Today I made another entry to my whitelist and emails from this domain are being refused.
The email I'd like to have whitelisted is similiar to mister.test 'at' sakhalinenergy.ru.
So I've added sakhalinenergy.ru OK to my whitelist.
However the user's emails are still being rejected with 'No Russian mail, please...'
I then did a test with a test account mister.test 'at' mail.ru. After adding mail.ru to my whitelist it worked as I would expect it.
Could anyone please shed some light into why it works for one domain but not for another?
I checked the MX record for sakhalinenergy.ru and it points to a different domain?
Would I have to add this domain to my whitelist?
I've set up a whitelist in postfix which appears to be working fine.
I also got a blacklist which is set to filter out russian emails.
/.*\@.*\.ru$/ REJECT No Russian mail, please...
Today I made another entry to my whitelist and emails from this domain are being refused.
The email I'd like to have whitelisted is similiar to mister.test 'at' sakhalinenergy.ru.
So I've added sakhalinenergy.ru OK to my whitelist.
However the user's emails are still being rejected with 'No Russian mail, please...'
I then did a test with a test account mister.test 'at' mail.ru. After adding mail.ru to my whitelist it worked as I would expect it.
Could anyone please shed some light into why it works for one domain but not for another?
I checked the MX record for sakhalinenergy.ru and it points to a different domain?
Would I have to add this domain to my whitelist?