Here is the method that I have used to send html formatted emails generated from a asp form page. Use your form page to collect the data that you want to email then when you submit your form submit it to your email.asp page. Like so.
dim html
html = "<html><head><title>Email form</title></head>"
html = html & "<body>The body of your message would go here"
html = html & "along with your"&FromInfo&"
html = html&"</body></html>"
set shortmail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
shortmail.From = ""
shortmail.To = ""
'this could be a variable from your form
shortmail.Subject = "Subject line info"
shortmail.BodyFormat = 0
shortmail.MailFormat = 0
shortmail.Importance = 2
shortmail.Body = html
shortmail = Nothing
Of course this will only work if you are using CDONTS.
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