Ok I’ve got a table named main table.
It contains Paid Time Off (PTO) requests for all of our employees. As these people change supervisors and even departments (which they do rather frequently) I would like to go in and change the data previously entered for these people to their new supervisor and departments based on another table.
Existing Data:
John Johnson, Sales Department, Mr Supervisor
Changed to:
John Johnson, Marketing Department, Miss Supervisor
Now normally for reporting purposes I would just create a relationship between the main table and the table that lists the current status of an employee. However that is not an option in this example because I use a form to review the PTO requests in the main table and that form must be able to update the record set. Something that isn’t possible through a form looking at a query made up of two tables.
So is it possible to create an automated solution to go in, find every occurrence of John Johnson, and update his record sets to the new data?
It contains Paid Time Off (PTO) requests for all of our employees. As these people change supervisors and even departments (which they do rather frequently) I would like to go in and change the data previously entered for these people to their new supervisor and departments based on another table.
Existing Data:
John Johnson, Sales Department, Mr Supervisor
Changed to:
John Johnson, Marketing Department, Miss Supervisor
Now normally for reporting purposes I would just create a relationship between the main table and the table that lists the current status of an employee. However that is not an option in this example because I use a form to review the PTO requests in the main table and that form must be able to update the record set. Something that isn’t possible through a form looking at a query made up of two tables.
So is it possible to create an automated solution to go in, find every occurrence of John Johnson, and update his record sets to the new data?