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Possible free LD

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Technical User
Dec 5, 2003
Free long distance? Maybe.
I got a call from a vendor (1st tier) whose name shall remain nameless, at least for now. This fella wanted our POTs line business. We have 35 POTs lines. At first I was very skeptical, as I’ve had problems with CLECs in the past. If the deal was simply to get a carrier to resale the lines that BellSouth is providing I wouldn’t consider it. Not worth the trouble. I’ve been blowing this dude off for weeks, but he sez something that catches my ear. “Did I mention that there is unlimited free long distance on these lines?”.... “Uh, maybe you did.” Now my brain is going at light speed, or as close to it as my brain is capable of. What if I create a trunk group of say, 16 POTs lines only for outbound LD calls? Currently have 2 T1’s for in and out. 75% of our calls are inbound, 25% outbound. I could lose one of the spans, and already have the CO Trunk cards. The cost of the new POTs lines vs current POTs lines and T1, well, the POTs lines would cost a little less. But free LD? That’s worth about $3,500 a month off my monthly LD bill. Or as I like to figure it, $42,000 a year. What could the down side be? This is either a no-brainer or too-good-to-be-true. BTW, it’s month to month, no contract.


The unexamined life is not worth living; Socrates

If it's month to month, get 4 lines from the guy and give it a shot (of course after reading the fine print of the contract). After a few months if all is well, cut the rest over.

Keep in mind that you cannot change the CallerID that is shown when making a call on a POTS line. This means that your caller id is going to be that of whatever line your call happens to go out on, and if people try to call that number back they may hit a line that is already in use and get busy signals. Don't know if this is an issue for you, but it's the first thing that came to mind for me.
Yes, but couldn't you make the caller ID information mirrored across all of the lines to be your main incoming number... solves that problem, somewhat
I'm not aware of any way to change the Caller ID on a POTS line. Your PBX certainly can't do it, and the one time that I have requested such a change from a telco they said it was not possible for them to modify the outbound caller id on a single analog line.
I've done it before, maybe it's a telco by telco basis. I've done it with SBC.
We don't show caller id anyway.
I got a proposal late Friday. The lines are $60 each. No reason to change my existing POTs lines, as they are $45 each, and no outbound LD goes ever them. I might just order the 16 lines to connect to the PBX. Cost per line vs a T1 are the same, but again, no LD charges. I just want to make sure there are no, as had been mentioned, hidden charges. Salesmen..... they will tell you anything to get you in bed, so to speak.


The unexamined life is not worth living; Socrates

I've been in the CLEC world since 1997 as a Sales Engineer/Technical Consultant and this is the first that I've heard "Free LD" on a month to month deal. I've seen XXXXX free minutes per month on a contract basis but never free unlimited LD. I noticed that you mention BellSouth and I am in the Bellsouth region myself. Very interested in knowing more. You don't have to name but would you consider this to be a major player in the CLEC market, a newcomer breaking into the market or a name you've never heard before. Like Smoke signal Telecom with Eric Estrada doing the commercials... Unlimited LD on POTS, no contracts or terms=A Sales lie! I bet they want to wave installation as well, just to build the customer base!
It is one one of the major carriers. (Is the big three still AT&T, MCI, and Sprint?) Well, it's not MCI....
Yes, the installation is free. For some reason I'm still having to argue with my boss about it. This is such a no brianer I can't figure why he is hesitant. To good to be true? I've been round and round with the salesman to make sure there are no hidden charges. My arguement to my boss was lets fire em up and see what happens. We can cancel at any time, so how could we go wrong? A $42,000 annual savings is significant.


The unexamined life is not worth living; Socrates

AvayaNovice - can you share how you got SBC to change the outbound caller ID on a POTS line? We use SBC as well, and everyone I talk to insists that it just can't be done.

PeaveyPhones - I don't know, it still just sounds too good to be true. Have you received a copy of the proposed contract?

You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.
Aristophanes, 424 B.C.

Lex clavatoris designati rescindenda est.

We've had outbound CID changed by the carrier as well. You just need to ask them. It was a hospital worried about people calling back in on their outbound trunks and not reaching the main reception. They changed all of the outbound members to outpulse the lead number of their inbound hunt group. Yes, this was all analog service, no T-1, PRI, etc.. North East US - Verizon as the LEC.

I don't know if it could be considered a contract. I don't have to sign it anywhere, but it does describe the services and charges.

The unexamined life is not worth living; Socrates

When did I ever say that Susan? I think you copied and pasted the wrong person.
5th post in this thread:
AdmanOK said:
Mar 27, 2004
I'm not aware of any way to change the Caller ID on a POTS line. Your PBX certainly can't do it, and the one time that I have requested such a change from a telco they said it was not possible for them to modify the outbound caller id on a single analog line.

6th post in this thread:
AvayaNovice said:
Mar 27, 2004
I've done it before, maybe it's a telco by telco basis. I've done it with SBC.

I apologize if I misunderstood your remark.

You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.
Aristophanes, 424 B.C.

Lex clavatoris designati rescindenda est.

I ordered the 16 POTs lines. I went over and over this with the telco rep to make sure he understood we were gonna send about 40,000 minutes over these trunks. He said no problem, the LD is free. I further informed him I would not mention his company by name until I get my first invoice. Let's see what happens....


The unexamined life is not worth living; Socrates

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