In October 2005 I purchased a specially built to my requirements a new computer.
Installed with = Windows XP Home [OEM] = Internet Explorer 6.0 = and also installed with Microsoft Works Suite 2005 = Note! = All MS required Windows Updates Installed. Using Broadband.
Now since October last year and up to last week I have been experiencing a total Computer Freeze in the process to access some Web Pages [I found to close the computer down I had to physically press the computer power button]
A couple of months ago I found the problem related to the Macromedia Flash and ActiveX programming.
I found I could overcome this problem by = Disabling = in the Internet Explorer = Add-Ons = the = Shockwave Flash Object... = SSV Helper Class ....= Sun Java Console...= After the Disabling I found I could access/view these problem Web sites
I found after the Disabling the Macromedia Flash programming I had the Web Pages with no flash images, only black bands in their place!
A week ago I found a =FIX =???!!!
By doing a Goggle Search for "patch to disable activex shockwave player object" [without the quotes] I found an article inserted by and within there page is a link to Microsoft update of 912945 [MS = link is Before installing the 912945 patch you must read the above Article by MartinDevisser and the Microsoft 912945 Articles
Yes, I downloaded and have installed this update.
Now for the last 8 days with all Add-Ons "Enabled" I have not had any problems viewing the problem sites
Please Note! The Update 912945 also corrected the computer freeze I received when trying to access the "Tour" in Microsoft Works Suite 2005 [Tour is located within Help symbol "?" on the top RH corner of main Works Suite page] I now can view the "Tour" all OK
Installed with = Windows XP Home [OEM] = Internet Explorer 6.0 = and also installed with Microsoft Works Suite 2005 = Note! = All MS required Windows Updates Installed. Using Broadband.
Now since October last year and up to last week I have been experiencing a total Computer Freeze in the process to access some Web Pages [I found to close the computer down I had to physically press the computer power button]
A couple of months ago I found the problem related to the Macromedia Flash and ActiveX programming.
I found I could overcome this problem by = Disabling = in the Internet Explorer = Add-Ons = the = Shockwave Flash Object... = SSV Helper Class ....= Sun Java Console...= After the Disabling I found I could access/view these problem Web sites
I found after the Disabling the Macromedia Flash programming I had the Web Pages with no flash images, only black bands in their place!
A week ago I found a =FIX =???!!!
By doing a Goggle Search for "patch to disable activex shockwave player object" [without the quotes] I found an article inserted by and within there page is a link to Microsoft update of 912945 [MS = link is Before installing the 912945 patch you must read the above Article by MartinDevisser and the Microsoft 912945 Articles
Yes, I downloaded and have installed this update.
Now for the last 8 days with all Add-Ons "Enabled" I have not had any problems viewing the problem sites
Please Note! The Update 912945 also corrected the computer freeze I received when trying to access the "Tour" in Microsoft Works Suite 2005 [Tour is located within Help symbol "?" on the top RH corner of main Works Suite page] I now can view the "Tour" all OK