I've got a wierd problem . . . yesterday someone noticed their e-mail not being delivered to its destination. Once the server was checked it was determined that hundreds of e-mails were being sent out every minute which was delaying the official e-mail from being delivered. My first thought was NIMDA! Of course the latest anti-virus signature files were updated and each station was checked for viruses. Two anti-viral programs were used and no viruses were found. Secondly, a NIMDA anti-removal tool was ran on each workstation which yielded no results as well. What the heck is this? I checked for any other viruses out there, but can't find anything. Any ideas?
I've got a wierd problem . . . yesterday someone noticed their e-mail not being delivered to its destination. Once the server was checked it was determined that hundreds of e-mails were being sent out every minute which was delaying the official e-mail from being delivered. My first thought was NIMDA! Of course the latest anti-virus signature files were updated and each station was checked for viruses. Two anti-viral programs were used and no viruses were found. Secondly, a NIMDA anti-removal tool was ran on each workstation which yielded no results as well. What the heck is this? I checked for any other viruses out there, but can't find anything. Any ideas?