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POSready 2009 and RDP How do you do it???

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May 8, 2009
Is there a way to enable RDP on a PosReady2009. By default it is not there. The user want to use an Ipad with RDP and connect to term and use Ipad to order. Ipad is able to see Aloha via sonicwall. If I can get remote desktop installed on the FOH it will work great. As long as there are no refreshes during the night. The terminal is not used by staff during service, so it would be an issue.
I have done some Google for this and cannot seem to figure out how to install. If anyone has had luck, please pass on how you did it.

I have thought about doing the same but with VNC for over a year

It depends on the install of POSR2009. You may be able to go to add remove programs and select the wigit on the left side of the screen to "add windows components". Terminal Services may be there and could be installed. I had to go there to activate diskmanagement under accessories, utilities. Terminal services is there to be added on one of my terminals. I will test it tonight around midnight.

You could also accomplish the same thing using VNC. RealVNC enterprise will let you run the connection encrypted.
I find VNC to be much faster than RDP on devices with limited specs.

If you want to really spend some time getting techie on it you can dload posready2009 trial and install it for configuring your own image. I believe the sample iso image included on the DVD has terminal services included in the image. FYI That image will require a 2008 server strength password when you install.

I don't believe you are violating any licensing if you modify a posready image on your own and install using the same key that your working posready install used. There are utilities and VBS scripts that enable you to get this info from a running system. License keys are tied to vendors and not on the COA's

also look into Configuration Manager 2007, this I believe uses RDP to access clients for management

elbacom.com has some great utilities for working with embedded systems. I use DISMUI to add and remove features from Win7 embedded images while the system is running. Many of the utils hint at working with all the embedded flavors from XP up to Win8. My experience is WES7 only. Newest DISMUI version requires .NET Framework 4. I have a few of the older versions that only require .NET 2.0

Excuse me, whenever I mention .NET I get something in my throat.
Bloatware... Bloaattware... BloatWARE! OK, I think my throat is clear now. Ever notice how many updates are patching .NET

Unfortunately most learning resources for embedded systems are kind of hard to follow but you will run into the name Sean Liming and Wolfgang Unger a lot. It was info from Sean and mp3car that let me use XP Pro for our POS using a write filter and running on 512mb flash media years ago
I will try that with adding features. don't know why I did not think of that!!
I did vnc before but the scaling can be off. With RDP I can set it to 800X600 to match a P1220 perfectly. I have it working with windows xp embedded on P1515's

RealVNC allows you to set any scaling you want by pixel, percent, or scale to screen, you can download a free trial from their website.

Remote Desktop success:

I enabled remote desktop services by enabling terminal services in the components area as I mentioned. It needed the source disk and if you got one with the terminal that should work. It appeared to only get files from 1 cab that was in the i386 folder. I have uploaded WOCTSvc.cab to dropbox. It is less than 2mb. Put that cab in a folder named i386 and point to it when it asks for files.

If you require any more files than that you can probably substitute the i386 folder from Windows XP Professional SP3 for the source. If that does not work I can upload the CD iso. Or you can download the full trial from the link and the small iso has all files you need.
Mine was already enabled but the choice to turn on under system properties was there. I could not find anything in GPedit either where it may have been turned off so I am stumped

Group Policy makes changes to the registry but if you manually change a registry setting to disable some feature the GPO does not automatically reflect that. Here is what I would try

make sure you are logged in as an administator and be prepared to reboot the computer
go to services and set terminal services to automatic then reboot term
check your "allow remote" status
Also try RDP connection using an admin account and password

If still greyed out/not working go to GP and set any policies to disable remote desktop
close and reopen GP and set policies to allow remote desktop
check status
(basically you are toggling the registry settings affected between their 1 and 0 values)

I will look into finding the exact registry keys that affect this

If system restore is enabled on your image make a restore point before trying the next thing
uninstall/reinstall terminal services (make sure you have the necessary files)

uncheck terminal services in "components"; reboot, add it back by checking that component, reboot

You are certainly dealing with an install that has been locked down for security.

One other thing, are you sure FBWF is not enabled in POSR2009. This would protect system changes.

at cmd prompt type fbwfmgr /displayconfig it will show you status of write filter
at cmd prompt type ewfmgr c: also try any other drive letters besides c:

one or both utilities may not be in your install and some manufacturers have their own control for this api

make sure Windows firewall is not the problem RDP can work even with the system,remote controls greyed out.
below and attached is terminalserverenable.reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Terminal Server]

merging this and rebooting will make your terminal server settings the same as those on my posr2009 that sucessfully serves remote desktop. There could still be firewall and other issues such as the service not starting properly (I did not do a reg file to merge those settings) but this will make the settings affected in the system prop., remote tab the same as a working system (even if the interface is still greyed out

I installed removed and reinstalled terminal services and determined that the cab file I linked to in other post does contain ALL files needed to reinstall terminal services for posr2009

If you are worried about registry edits you can download erunt and backup your registry
It is one of the most useful programs I have encountered since win NT came out.

I often merge registry entries on offline hives (they have no CurrentControlSet) and I reflexivly exported ControlSet001 data. In 99+% of cases this will give you the same data in CurrentControlSet when you reboot but you could also rename ControlSet001 to CurrentControlSet to be sure.
Not worried about screwing up the machines I have ghost image to put them back. I will try your enable and reenable in just a few minutes. I will keep you posted if I had to do regedits as well. Thank you for all the great info. Shoot me an email from my site so we can talk offline

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