Hi all,
How can I set the position of the CommonDialog box when I open it ??
With CommonDialog
.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly
.Filter = "*.mdb"
.InitDir = wPath
.FileName = wFile
.DialogTitle = "Ouverture"
.Action = 1
end with
the CommonDialog always appear in the top left of the screen
i wanna positionning this CommonDialog in center of form
thanks to help me. ___________________________
Hugues Gauthier
Programmeur Analyste
How can I set the position of the CommonDialog box when I open it ??
With CommonDialog
.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly
.Filter = "*.mdb"
.InitDir = wPath
.FileName = wFile
.DialogTitle = "Ouverture"
.Action = 1
end with
the CommonDialog always appear in the top left of the screen
i wanna positionning this CommonDialog in center of form
thanks to help me. ___________________________
Hugues Gauthier
Programmeur Analyste