I am concerned now about resolution. I have written a fix for my CSS positioned elements, which is fine as long as the window is at max size, like in 1024 mode.
The problem comes when the window is resized, the left side is obviously moving, and the elements are getting shunted inward. Should I worry about this or is it a design flaw on my part?
I did consider re doind everything so that they were positioned inside another centered div, but I don't think NN likes absolutely positioned elements inside eachother
- Any ideas?
cheers (big ears) - Ben. "Alright whatever man, I'll hook up the hair, but I aint touchin the ring...Cause I'm still a pla--yer"
The problem comes when the window is resized, the left side is obviously moving, and the elements are getting shunted inward. Should I worry about this or is it a design flaw on my part?
I did consider re doind everything so that they were positioned inside another centered div, but I don't think NN likes absolutely positioned elements inside eachother
- Any ideas?
cheers (big ears) - Ben. "Alright whatever man, I'll hook up the hair, but I aint touchin the ring...Cause I'm still a pla--yer"