Technical User
Hi everyone
I know how to create a popup window - I'm currently using the following code:
function NewWindow(url, height, width) {
properties = "toolbar=0,location=0,scrollbars=1,height=" + height;
properties = properties + ",width=" + width;
properties = properties + ",left=0,top=0";
popupHandle = open(url, "tipwindow", properties);
With the link passing the necessary variables. What I'm wondering is: Is there anyway to control where on the screen the new window opens. I want it to open more or less in the center of the screen, but it seems to open anywhere it pleases, I'm not sure how to control it...
ANy suggestions appreciated!
I know how to create a popup window - I'm currently using the following code:
function NewWindow(url, height, width) {
properties = "toolbar=0,location=0,scrollbars=1,height=" + height;
properties = properties + ",width=" + width;
properties = properties + ",left=0,top=0";
popupHandle = open(url, "tipwindow", properties);
With the link passing the necessary variables. What I'm wondering is: Is there anyway to control where on the screen the new window opens. I want it to open more or less in the center of the screen, but it seems to open anywhere it pleases, I'm not sure how to control it...
ANy suggestions appreciated!