I have a memo field that already contains data. I have a simple form that has a editbox controlsourced to a memo field. I want to add a line at the beginning to the existing data in the memo field and have the cursor (in the editbox) positioned at the end of that new line I added to the beginning of the existing memo. The line I add to the beginning at the memo is something that looks like this:
05-01-2018 Bill Totten:
I want the cursor to be at the end of line next to the ":".
I can add the new line to the existing memo data and put the cursor at the end of the line I added. The problem is when I want to add the new line to the beginning of the existing memo data.
05-01-2018 Bill Totten:
I want the cursor to be at the end of line next to the ":".
I can add the new line to the existing memo data and put the cursor at the end of the line I added. The problem is when I want to add the new line to the beginning of the existing memo data.