Yesterday I wrote a Visual Basic program which called an Access database.
I have had strange experiences
dim rst as recordset
set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("USER",dbopendynaset)
caused an execution error.
I had to change the type:
dim rst as object
set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("USER",dbopendynaset)
B. I have tested in within the VB 6.0 environment and as standalone exe on my PC1 then I tried to run it from the server where neither Access nor VB are installed.
I have got a message that a DLL is missing. I copied it to the forled of the exe file. I got a message that the version of another DLL (OLEAUT32) is not the proper.
Question: I have to develop an installation process working on different remote computers. How can can avoid DLL version incompatibilities? In other words:
User uses Version A of X.DLL in program OTHER.EXE, MY.EXE program uses version B of it. If I simply replace his/her X.DLL with my version then MY.EXE will work but OTHER.EXE won't.
My preliminary idea: What if I rename Version A of X.DLL to XA.DLL, and incude it on the installation disk? XA must not be installed to the system folder but rather the folder wher MY.EXE should be.
I have used the same references as the VISDATA demo.
Maybe I need not all of them?
Any help would be appreciated.
Ferenc Nagy
|\ /~ ~~|~~~ Fax: (36-1)-392-2529 New!
| \ | | Institute of Isotope and Surface Chemistry
| \ | -+- 1525 Bp. POB 77. Tel.
| \| | `-' ' `-' "The goal of the life is the struggle itself"
I have had strange experiences
dim rst as recordset
set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("USER",dbopendynaset)
caused an execution error.
I had to change the type:
dim rst as object
set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("USER",dbopendynaset)
B. I have tested in within the VB 6.0 environment and as standalone exe on my PC1 then I tried to run it from the server where neither Access nor VB are installed.
I have got a message that a DLL is missing. I copied it to the forled of the exe file. I got a message that the version of another DLL (OLEAUT32) is not the proper.
Question: I have to develop an installation process working on different remote computers. How can can avoid DLL version incompatibilities? In other words:
User uses Version A of X.DLL in program OTHER.EXE, MY.EXE program uses version B of it. If I simply replace his/her X.DLL with my version then MY.EXE will work but OTHER.EXE won't.
My preliminary idea: What if I rename Version A of X.DLL to XA.DLL, and incude it on the installation disk? XA must not be installed to the system folder but rather the folder wher MY.EXE should be.
I have used the same references as the VISDATA demo.
Maybe I need not all of them?
Any help would be appreciated.
Ferenc Nagy
|\ /~ ~~|~~~ Fax: (36-1)-392-2529 New!
| \ | | Institute of Isotope and Surface Chemistry
| \ | -+- 1525 Bp. POB 77. Tel.
| \| | `-' ' `-' "The goal of the life is the struggle itself"