Thanks to many in this forum I have a couple access control lists up and running and only allowing ports and services in that I want coming in. I was just testing this today from a site called I ran a few scans and I was impressed at how tight my network has become after the access lists. But when I ran a UDP scan, I was amazed that ports 137(netbios-ns), 12345 (trojan port for netbus), 20034(anouther trojan port), 31337(back orifice port) were listening. And I'm sure it's not a coincidence that ever since I installed a IDS I have been receiving alerts about the netbus trojan and the ports are listening. I have e-trust virus protection on every system and a rule to block the netbus traffic but the ports are still open. What can I do to stop this??? I sceduled a full system scan on every system over the weekend. How are these ports open? I have them blocked comming in. They must be going out? Can anyone help me? Thanks