If I want to use port-based VLANs and I have 4 x460 switches stacked, do I need a physical port for each VLAN that spans to 2 or more switches or does the stack appear as one switch to the VLAN?
Hi there yes when the switches are stacked they act as one large switch. There can be a max of 8 switches in a stack.
If you create a VLAN (E.G. DATA) and want to add 4 ports to it as native you would do this.
#This creates the VLAN and configures the IP address
create vlan DATA
configure vlan DATA ip address
configure vlan DATA tag 30
# This add the ports to the VLAN as native/untagged.
# Adds Switch 1 Port 1, Switch 2 Port 10, Switch 3 Port 14, Switch 4 Port 23
configure vlan DATA add ports 1:1, 2:10, 3:14, 4:23 untagged
# Optional enable ip forwarding on the VLAN
enable ipforwarding vlan DATA
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