By looking at the packets sent/received by client machines and analyzing the time it took i'll try to get informations about applications and round-trip-delays.
From looking at the port number, can i definitely say, which application is communicating? I know the IANA list, but is it likely, that the ports are really used that way they're registered for?
Is there any additional information i can get from TCP packets about the status of the application on the server (e.g. special flags set)?
If an application on the server crashed, is the TCP port still listening?
Thanx for your help
Christoph Ballhause
By looking at the packets sent/received by client machines and analyzing the time it took i'll try to get informations about applications and round-trip-delays.
From looking at the port number, can i definitely say, which application is communicating? I know the IANA list, but is it likely, that the ports are really used that way they're registered for?
Is there any additional information i can get from TCP packets about the status of the application on the server (e.g. special flags set)?
If an application on the server crashed, is the TCP port still listening?
Thanx for your help
Christoph Ballhause