There are a couple very old versions of finger that I believe have possible exploits with them. But the biggest problem with finger is the ability of hackers to do some recon of your network via finger.
For the most part finger is some what out dated and really not needed in today's networks. If it is something you would like to keep since people in your company rely on it for information about other, maybe think about just setting it up internally.
I am going to disbale port 79 "finger" i found I could telnet to it and enter a user name. It then gave me the users shell and a few other usefull hacker bits.
I just set up a Linux box at home and would like to find out how do I determine if this "finger" port is also available on the box. Also, how do I disable it?
I've found the biggest threat to port 79 is that if a hacker telnets to it and runs a Denial of Services Attack on it the hacker will be given root access!
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