After a day of exasperation I have finally advanced beyond offshore tech support (now we will go to outlook and click on open) - and discovered that as of yesterday SBC in San Francisco apparently initiated blocking on one of their ports to prevent spamming.
This sounds like a good idea, coming from the people whose prodigy servers were constantly rbl'd due to poorly secured portals, but when it hits, it is nearly impossible to correct, due to the failure of Yahoo/SBC to inform their first and second tier support of the practice.
The accompanying message is 451 4.7.7 Mail access temporaily suspended for (Account: 'your account', smtp server: Error nr ox800cc 78.
Your mail is blocked. This appears at this point to come from having a domanin on a foreign server. (little monopolistic trickery??) As far as port 25 is concerned, you are a spammer, and you simply can't send mail. Resolving this can be a nightmare, and 800 tech support is not the place to start. (I have a dream about getting the department head alone in an elevator unarmed. I guarantee that only one of us would come out standing)
My assumption is that this will be happening to a lot of people, as these policies are currently being implemented. When they do you will not get any assistance from SBC of Yahoo support, as the offshore techs have no idea of the problem. At least at this point it hasn't been scripted for their screens.
You need to get to either some branch of Yahoo executive support or in the worst case to an American based customer center where you can demand to be moved up a tier or two. One way to get to your local representative (local being a keyword here) is by yelling at the sales department or better the billing department. Tell them you contracted a service and they can (**&& well take if off your bill if you aren't going to be getting it. They tend to hold the magic key to competent peolplle. Sales is a good second bet - get a supervisor.
If you don't have a contact in the direction and can't badger sales to find someone who understands the problem then call the local number. For this part of California the direct nrs are 408 349 3300 and 408 349 1572. When asked to enter a name try "henderson" "wong" "sanchez" ..hit 0 and request to be forwarde to someone who can remove a port block, or you can go through the annoying voice mail labyrinth. Direct is a euphamism here, but even with a fifteen minute wait (do you perhaps think a lot of people are suffering here?) it is better than two hours with the scripted automotrons (I understand your exageration. I am very sorry for the trouble you have been having). the 800 nr. Try to get past the "what OS, what mail program, let's open outlook and look at your settings" part of the process, as it takes a long time.
Your approach is probably best: I have just learned that a port block has been placed on mail coming from (use your ip or the ip given) so I cannot send mail. I need to have the block removed. If you get the same old same old demand to go to tier two or demand the number of executive support with the justification that you will not be nice to the person you are speaking with, so they might as well save themselves the pain immediately.
Once you get to the competent person the unblocking process takes all of about five minutes. May none of you need this information and happy holidays.
This sounds like a good idea, coming from the people whose prodigy servers were constantly rbl'd due to poorly secured portals, but when it hits, it is nearly impossible to correct, due to the failure of Yahoo/SBC to inform their first and second tier support of the practice.
The accompanying message is 451 4.7.7 Mail access temporaily suspended for (Account: 'your account', smtp server: Error nr ox800cc 78.
Your mail is blocked. This appears at this point to come from having a domanin on a foreign server. (little monopolistic trickery??) As far as port 25 is concerned, you are a spammer, and you simply can't send mail. Resolving this can be a nightmare, and 800 tech support is not the place to start. (I have a dream about getting the department head alone in an elevator unarmed. I guarantee that only one of us would come out standing)
My assumption is that this will be happening to a lot of people, as these policies are currently being implemented. When they do you will not get any assistance from SBC of Yahoo support, as the offshore techs have no idea of the problem. At least at this point it hasn't been scripted for their screens.
You need to get to either some branch of Yahoo executive support or in the worst case to an American based customer center where you can demand to be moved up a tier or two. One way to get to your local representative (local being a keyword here) is by yelling at the sales department or better the billing department. Tell them you contracted a service and they can (**&& well take if off your bill if you aren't going to be getting it. They tend to hold the magic key to competent peolplle. Sales is a good second bet - get a supervisor.
If you don't have a contact in the direction and can't badger sales to find someone who understands the problem then call the local number. For this part of California the direct nrs are 408 349 3300 and 408 349 1572. When asked to enter a name try "henderson" "wong" "sanchez" ..hit 0 and request to be forwarde to someone who can remove a port block, or you can go through the annoying voice mail labyrinth. Direct is a euphamism here, but even with a fifteen minute wait (do you perhaps think a lot of people are suffering here?) it is better than two hours with the scripted automotrons (I understand your exageration. I am very sorry for the trouble you have been having). the 800 nr. Try to get past the "what OS, what mail program, let's open outlook and look at your settings" part of the process, as it takes a long time.
Your approach is probably best: I have just learned that a port block has been placed on mail coming from (use your ip or the ip given) so I cannot send mail. I need to have the block removed. If you get the same old same old demand to go to tier two or demand the number of executive support with the justification that you will not be nice to the person you are speaking with, so they might as well save themselves the pain immediately.
Once you get to the competent person the unblocking process takes all of about five minutes. May none of you need this information and happy holidays.