Hello there
Our porn text analyzer, is actually making a user's page to be detected as porn, althought it isnt. We have worked out which of those expressions are making the classification tick. But in order to find out which "expressions" were being read and therefore made the web page to be blocked, I had to go through the most obvious ones to find out. Now my question is, is there any way in which I can get my Alert Porn Email notification to tell me which expression(word/s) has picked instead of having to check them manually?
My e-mail notification alerter is configured as follows:
Subject: MSW: Access to Porn Attempted
Any help will be appreciated
Thanking you in advance
Our porn text analyzer, is actually making a user's page to be detected as porn, althought it isnt. We have worked out which of those expressions are making the classification tick. But in order to find out which "expressions" were being read and therefore made the web page to be blocked, I had to go through the most obvious ones to find out. Now my question is, is there any way in which I can get my Alert Porn Email notification to tell me which expression(word/s) has picked instead of having to check them manually?
My e-mail notification alerter is configured as follows:
Subject: MSW: Access to Porn Attempted
Any help will be appreciated
Thanking you in advance