how can i have a new window open in a div tag, i.e. i want test.asp to open in a new window, i can get am image to display but not a page, i have included the code. i dont think i have the syntax right.
<DIV TITLE="header=[] body=[<link='/test.asp'><br><img src='/images/image.gif'> fade=[on] windowlock=[on] fadespeed=[0.25] cssbody=[bogopopup] csstitle=[bogopopuptitle]"><img src="/images/testimages.jpg"></DIV>
<DIV TITLE="header=[] body=[<link='/test.asp'><br><img src='/images/image.gif'> fade=[on] windowlock=[on] fadespeed=[0.25] cssbody=[bogopopup] csstitle=[bogopopuptitle]"><img src="/images/testimages.jpg"></DIV>