How in ASP do you populate a dropdown based upon the selection made in
another dropdown? Here is my current dropdown :
<select name="Enet" ID="Enet">
<option value="">all</option>
<option value="Enet" <%if request("Equanet")="Enet" then
response.Write "selected" end if%>>enet</option>
<option value="PCWB" <%if request("Enet")="PCWB" then
response.Write "selected" end if%>>pcwb</option>
I need to change this so that upon selecting one of these options, the
second dropdown gets populated with values dependent on what was
another dropdown? Here is my current dropdown :
<select name="Enet" ID="Enet">
<option value="">all</option>
<option value="Enet" <%if request("Equanet")="Enet" then
response.Write "selected" end if%>>enet</option>
<option value="PCWB" <%if request("Enet")="PCWB" then
response.Write "selected" end if%>>pcwb</option>
I need to change this so that upon selecting one of these options, the
second dropdown gets populated with values dependent on what was