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Populating a Combo Box only after 3 characters or so are typed in 3

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Technical User
Jul 11, 2007
I have a combo box on a form that gathers data from a query, however, there are several hundred thousand or so records in there. I would really like to speed this process up by somehow doing the following.

Maybe after a few characters are entered in the combo box, then it can populate with a fraction of the records it would normally have. Does anybody have any ideas that can get me started? Thank you
Set the combo's rowsource to blank. In the combobox's OnChange event, you could check the length of the text that has been entered using Len(). Once it equals 3, you can set the combo's blank rowsource to your SQL, with a where condition that looks for entries:
"SELECT myField FROM myComboQuery WHERE myField >= '" & [myCombo] & "'"

Max Hugen
How are ya dlsd619 . . .

[blue]RuralGuy[/blue] has provided an excellent reference! and I was going to post the same as [blue]maxhugen [/blue] with just one hitch . . . the following would be a much better filter:
[blue]"SELECT myField FROM myComboQuery WHERE myField Like '" & Me![myCombo].Text & "*'"[/blue]

See Ya! . . . . . .

Be sure to see FAQ219-2884:
Okay, I have done the following. I basically copied Allen Browns code and replaced it with different names. I need help with the "row sources".

Here's the code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim OrderNumberStub As String
Const conOrderNumberMin = 3

Function ReloadOrderNumber(sOrderNumber As String)
Dim sNewOrderNumber As String
sNewOrderNumber = Nz(Left(sOrderNumber, conOrderNumberMin), "")

If sNewOrderNumber <> OrderNumberStub Then
If Len(sNewOrderNumber) < conOrderNumberMin Then
Me.cbo_OrderNumber.RowSource =
OrderNumberStub = ""
Me.cbo_OrderNumber.RowSource =
End If
End If
End Function

Private Sub cbo_OrderNumber_Change()

Dim cbo As ComboBox
Dim sText As String

Set cbo = Me.cbo_OrderNumber
sText = cbo.Text
Case " "
cbo = Null
Case Else
Call ReloadOrderNumber(sText)
End Select
Set cbo = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current()
Call ReloadOrderNumber(Nz(Me.cbo_OrderNumber, ""))
End Sub

Here is the row source query of my combo box now. How can I incorporate it into this code?

SELECT tbl_Entities.EntityID, [OrderNumber] & "-" & [EntityNumber] AS OrderEntityNumber FROM tbl_Entities GROUP BY tbl_Entities.EntityID, [OrderNumber] & "-" & [EntityNumber] HAVING ((([OrderNumber] & "-" & [EntityNumber]) Is Not Null)) ORDER BY [OrderNumber] & "-" & [EntityNumber];

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