I've been working Crystal for quite a while now, and still frustrated by blank returns on reports. I write reports for a Radiology Dept., and our new RIS application vendor has "supplied" us with views to use with Crystal 8.5, SQL, OLE DB. These views can have as many as 2 to 50 fields in them. It seems some get populated and some don't.
For example, if I have a view of 'vusrEXAM' and fields {PatientLastName}, {PatientFirstName}, {DateOfBirth}, {MRN}
I would like a formula to run a generic report on this view to return say 5 random entries (none being 0) for each field. This way, I could keep a list on whether or not to use a particular view/field in a report. Browsing each field is painfully slow, only to have Crystal hang, error out, or return zip. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
I've been working Crystal for quite a while now, and still frustrated by blank returns on reports. I write reports for a Radiology Dept., and our new RIS application vendor has "supplied" us with views to use with Crystal 8.5, SQL, OLE DB. These views can have as many as 2 to 50 fields in them. It seems some get populated and some don't.
For example, if I have a view of 'vusrEXAM' and fields {PatientLastName}, {PatientFirstName}, {DateOfBirth}, {MRN}
I would like a formula to run a generic report on this view to return say 5 random entries (none being 0) for each field. This way, I could keep a list on whether or not to use a particular view/field in a report. Browsing each field is painfully slow, only to have Crystal hang, error out, or return zip. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!