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populate excel from vb 1

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Feb 14, 2003
I have a VB application. How can i put a value in an independant excel worksheet from the VB application.
First enable "Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library" and "Excel ctl Type Library" in Project -> Referances

Here is some very simple code that will allow you to open an excel application, set and read cell values and close the application. Put it in a module and try calling the functions. This should get you started
Dim x1 As Excel.Application
Dim x1Wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim x1Sh As Excel.Worksheet

Sub OpenExcelFile()
Dim filename As String
Set x1 = CreateObject("Excel.application")
filename = x1.GetOpenFilename
Set x1Wb = x1.Workbooks.Open(filename)
Set x1Sh = x1.Worksheets("Sheet1")
x1.Visible = True

End Sub

Sub CloseWorkbook(SaveIt As Boolean)
x1.ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=SaveIt
End Sub

Sub CloseExcel()
End Sub

Sub CloseForm()
Call CloseExcel
End Sub

Sub SetCellValue(cell As String, value As Variant)
x1Sh.Range(cell).value = value
End Sub

Sub MakeCellActive(cell As String)
End Sub

Function ReadActiveCell() As Variant
ReadActiveCell = x1.ActiveCell.value
End Function

Sub SetCellActiveRelative(RowOffset As Integer, ColOffset As Integer)
x1.ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset, ColOffset).Select
End Sub

Using ADO:
dim conn as adodb.connection
set conn = new adodb.connection
with conn
 .Provider = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
 .ConnectionString = "Data Source=C:\excel\customers.xls; Extended Properties=Excel 9.0;"
end with

dim rst as adodb.recordset
set rst = new adodb.recordset
rst.open "Sheet1$",conn,adopendynamic,adlockoptimistic, adcmdTableDirect

s'cuse the typos if any
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