ODBC: TestDB (SQL server 2008)
I am unable to populate the list. When I run the query there is data according to the sql statement. Can someone tell me whats wrong with the below statement?????
<select name="group">
Dim sql_insert
Dim drs
data_source = "TestDB"
sql_insert = "SELECT DISTINCT Community FROM Communities"
set conn2 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn2.open data_source
set drs = conn2.execute(sql_insert)
do while not drs.eof %>
<option value="<% = drs("Community") %>"></option>
<% drs.MoveNext
set conn2 = nothing %>
I am unable to populate the list. When I run the query there is data according to the sql statement. Can someone tell me whats wrong with the below statement?????
<select name="group">
Dim sql_insert
Dim drs
data_source = "TestDB"
sql_insert = "SELECT DISTINCT Community FROM Communities"
set conn2 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn2.open data_source
set drs = conn2.execute(sql_insert)
do while not drs.eof %>
<option value="<% = drs("Community") %>"></option>
<% drs.MoveNext
set conn2 = nothing %>