I have a table in our database with employee information. I was wondering how to populate a drop-down box on the front-end (user side) with just that employee's info, and not all the information from that field.
Emp LeaveOn
1 Brother
1 Brother
1 Sister
1 Mother
2 Father
2 Mother
2 Father
2 Father
An employee number is keyed in, and then a drop-down box would be filled with the appropriate info. Such as for Emp 1, a drop-down box would contain "Brother, Sister, Mother", but Emp 2 would contain "Father, Mother." Instead of them both having a drop-down box with all the choices. And then the user could search based on that criteria.
Emp LeaveOn
1 Brother
1 Brother
1 Sister
1 Mother
2 Father
2 Mother
2 Father
2 Father
An employee number is keyed in, and then a drop-down box would be filled with the appropriate info. Such as for Emp 1, a drop-down box would contain "Brother, Sister, Mother", but Emp 2 would contain "Father, Mother." Instead of them both having a drop-down box with all the choices. And then the user could search based on that criteria.