I've posted this to the JavaScript forum, but maybe someone here can help.
This is a problem that only occurs in Netscape (I'm using 4.7)
This function creates a pop-up window. If I close the window before opening another everything is fine. However, If I don't close the window, and I click on another link, new content gets loaded to the window, but it loses focus, and goes behind my main window. This doesn't happen in IE.
It also overwrites the first window instead of creating an additional window as it does in IE.
Here's the code:
function makeNewWindow(professorsFolder) {
var newWindow
if (!newWindow || newWindow.closed) {
newWindow =" + professorsFolder + "/index2.html","","status,height=400,width=635"
if (!newWindow.opener) {
newWindow.opener = window
newWindow.document.close() // close layout stream
} else { // window's already open, bring to front
This is a problem that only occurs in Netscape (I'm using 4.7)
This function creates a pop-up window. If I close the window before opening another everything is fine. However, If I don't close the window, and I click on another link, new content gets loaded to the window, but it loses focus, and goes behind my main window. This doesn't happen in IE.
It also overwrites the first window instead of creating an additional window as it does in IE.
Here's the code:
function makeNewWindow(professorsFolder) {
var newWindow
if (!newWindow || newWindow.closed) {
newWindow =" + professorsFolder + "/index2.html","","status,height=400,width=635"
if (!newWindow.opener) {
newWindow.opener = window
newWindow.document.close() // close layout stream
} else { // window's already open, bring to front