Hi people,
I have created a couple of links in my flash site that link to html pop up's, I have tried adding the same link but to text embedded within a movie clip (scroll pane) that loads from an external swf file (located on level_1)
The pop up shows up but not the size that I wanted it to, the width seems to be a similar size to the width of the movie clip, just wondering if that might be the problem and how to over come it.
Iif you click on flashjob the pop then on Students click here to register, you will see the problem, the width is supposed to be 780px.
Here is the code I used which works for button located on the root timeline.
I have created a couple of links in my flash site that link to html pop up's, I have tried adding the same link but to text embedded within a movie clip (scroll pane) that loads from an external swf file (located on level_1)
The pop up shows up but not the size that I wanted it to, the width seems to be a similar size to the width of the movie clip, just wondering if that might be the problem and how to over come it.
Iif you click on flashjob the pop then on Students click here to register, you will see the problem, the width is supposed to be 780px.
Here is the code I used which works for button located on the root timeline.
on (release){
Movieclip.prototype.openWin2 = function(url, winName, w, h, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable){
getURL("javascript:var myWin2; if(!myWin2 || myWin2.closed){myWin2 = window.open('"+url+"', '"+winName+"', '"+"width="+w+", height="+h+", toolbar="+toolbar+", location="+location+", directories="+directories+", status="+status+", menubar="+menubar+", scrollbars="+scrollbars+", resizable="+resizable+", top='+0+', left='+150+'"+"')} else{myWin2.focus();};void(0);");
address = "[URL unfurl="true"]http://secure1.mppglobal.com/web/affiliates/affiliate_144/user/frameslogin.htm";[/URL]
winName = "students";
width = 780;
height = 580;
toolbar = 0;
location = 0;
directories = 0;
status = 0;
menubar = 0;
scrollbars = 0;
resizable = 0;