Do I need to use Javascript if I’m making pop-up windows with lots of features?
Here are a few of the things I want my pop-up windows to have (I’ve got my pop-up windows doing the following)…
Opening automatically, From a Form, Targeting the Opener, Closing when they go to the Opener, Closing the pop-up etc.
Instead of using Javascript can I use html code to add the pop-up features (above)?
Why or why not?
Here’s the a basic pop-up html code I WAS using…
<a href="ipop0008-0008.htm" onClick="window.open('apop_scrollbar_test.htm','popup','scrollbars=yes,resizable=0,width=325,height=600'); return false">
Do I need to use Javascript if I’m making pop-up windows with lots of features?
Here are a few of the things I want my pop-up windows to have (I’ve got my pop-up windows doing the following)…
Opening automatically, From a Form, Targeting the Opener, Closing when they go to the Opener, Closing the pop-up etc.
Instead of using Javascript can I use html code to add the pop-up features (above)?
Why or why not?
Here’s the a basic pop-up html code I WAS using…
<a href="ipop0008-0008.htm" onClick="window.open('apop_scrollbar_test.htm','popup','scrollbars=yes,resizable=0,width=325,height=600'); return false">