Yesterday my pop server stopped working. I can't get mail off of my sco box with my pcs that are attached to my network.
in /var/adm/syslog These messages repeat:
(date, time) popper [number that increments]: -ERR Unable to get canonical name of client, err=2
(date time) popper [number that increments]: -ERR POP server at (machinename.domain) signing off
any ideas what broke?
version is sco enterprise 5.0.2
in /var/adm/syslog These messages repeat:
(date, time) popper [number that increments]: -ERR Unable to get canonical name of client, err=2
(date time) popper [number that increments]: -ERR POP server at (machinename.domain) signing off
any ideas what broke?
version is sco enterprise 5.0.2