I have inherited this issue with the customer's system. For the last 6 years since it was installed, they have never been able to conference in two outside calls. They have a Polycom Soundstation2 wireless on a T/R port on a Magix. Customer has 10 POTS lines for incoming/outgoing calls. Switchook/flash timing in the Polycom's menu is set to Avaya recommendations. Issue is once they make an outside call and establish connection, they press the conference button on the Soundstation. The other call is placed on hold in the system and the Soundstation receives intercom tone. Dialing 9 gets a dial tone, but attempting to dial out gets a fast busy. Hanging up causes the first call to ring back a reminder to pick up.
Thanks in advance.
Greatness is the echo of a life well lived and a job well done.
I have inherited this issue with the customer's system. For the last 6 years since it was installed, they have never been able to conference in two outside calls. They have a Polycom Soundstation2 wireless on a T/R port on a Magix. Customer has 10 POTS lines for incoming/outgoing calls. Switchook/flash timing in the Polycom's menu is set to Avaya recommendations. Issue is once they make an outside call and establish connection, they press the conference button on the Soundstation. The other call is placed on hold in the system and the Soundstation receives intercom tone. Dialing 9 gets a dial tone, but attempting to dial out gets a fast busy. Hanging up causes the first call to ring back a reminder to pick up.
Thanks in advance.
Greatness is the echo of a life well lived and a job well done.