Technical User

last week, i bought a POE Extender because in our workplace, we only have one I/O Ethernet port in every cubicle. so in order for me to use a 2nd PC (we had plenty of spare PCs since we upgraded some of the 'not so old PCs') which is still good and didn't have any hardware or software problem.
i was very excited to received the POE Extender. however, when i connect a patch cord from the live I/O Ethernet port to the input of the POE Extender, it doesn't lit it's light (it has 2 small led lights). i was confuse as to why the led lights doesn't glow. i thought that i have connect the patch cord in the wrong port of the POE Extender so i connect it on any of the 4 ethernet ports but still all the led lights didn't blink.
then i was thinking maybe it only needs the output port connected to the PC in order for complete cycle of connection from I/O Ethernet port-POE Extender-PC but gush, still no such big or small thing happens.
what must be wrong? is there a tester for such device (or device test, if any)?
i bought the POE Extender since i don't like a device that has a charger because i don't like bulk of things underneath my cubicle.
now, i don't know what to do with this dumb thing as i'm just planning to buy an 8 port hub.