Hi all. I've made a t-shirt design to celebrate a product launch at work. The t-shirt maker says he needs to run the file through a color separator so he needs a 'vector image' type file. Specifically he says he needs an AI (Adobe Illustrator) or EPS (Encapsulated Post Script) file to do this.
Evidentally EPS and AI are vector based. What I have is a PNG24 image created in Photoshop purely as a raster image. There's Photoshop's "save as eps" option, but I suspect this will degrade the image as it attempts to convert the pixels to vectors. I don't have anything but Photoshop software. What are my options? Can I offer alternatives to the t-shirt maker? I've read thread229-368446 but want to know more.
News and views of some obscure guy
Evidentally EPS and AI are vector based. What I have is a PNG24 image created in Photoshop purely as a raster image. There's Photoshop's "save as eps" option, but I suspect this will degrade the image as it attempts to convert the pixels to vectors. I don't have anything but Photoshop software. What are my options? Can I offer alternatives to the t-shirt maker? I've read thread229-368446 but want to know more.
News and views of some obscure guy