I'm testing out PNAgent 10.1 and fiddeling with default server screen sizes for applications.
This seems to be VERY buggy in the 10.1 client...
If disabling all options for screen sizes to the user in Access Console, the client just crashes upon starting the app.
If letting users choose any resolution for the application it falls back to seamless, regardless.
In client 10.0 it works nice, but it won't solve my issue because 10.1 version agent uses new kind of paths with arguments to start the client which is essential.
(choose properties on the ikon and you'll see)
So, have any one out there worked out a way to use severs default screen sizes with PNAgent 10.1?
10.1 client seems to ignore TWIMode=Off in default.ica...
I'm testing out PNAgent 10.1 and fiddeling with default server screen sizes for applications.
This seems to be VERY buggy in the 10.1 client...
If disabling all options for screen sizes to the user in Access Console, the client just crashes upon starting the app.
If letting users choose any resolution for the application it falls back to seamless, regardless.
In client 10.0 it works nice, but it won't solve my issue because 10.1 version agent uses new kind of paths with arguments to start the client which is essential.
(choose properties on the ikon and you'll see)
So, have any one out there worked out a way to use severs default screen sizes with PNAgent 10.1?
10.1 client seems to ignore TWIMode=Off in default.ica...