...the answer to that question is dependant on a number of factors and is not as straight forward as many would hope, although it can be straight forward in some situations...
...the basic and most general answer to your question is to double click a color in the swatches palette and change it's color type to "spot" from the drop down menu...
...you then need to inspect the "separations preview" palette to ensure your artwork is correct by changing the "view" option to "separations" and turning off color plates to determine what needs fixing...
...to actually get the list of Pantone names, create a new swatch, but change the "color mode" dropdown menu, in there are all the Pantone colors available...
...once you have spot colors in your swatches, it is possible to map or alias spot colors to other color plates (you can't map process plates to spot colors)...
...for more on mapping/aliasing colors you can view this thread i responded to not long ago, this function does need to be used with care though:
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