Technical User
I am trying to create a PMIX-style report from the Aloha DBF files but would like for each item:
Item, Qty Sold, Gross Sales, Taxes, Sur/Ord, Voids, Comps, Net Sales
I'm using GND_ITEM ( to sum item sales.
I have been able to use DISC PRICE - INCLTAX to get Net Sales but can not locate:
a) Excl taxes?
b) Sur/Ord?
c) Comps?
d) Voids?
How can I get these out of PRICE and DISCPRICE?
I am trying to create a PMIX-style report from the Aloha DBF files but would like for each item:
Item, Qty Sold, Gross Sales, Taxes, Sur/Ord, Voids, Comps, Net Sales
I'm using GND_ITEM ( to sum item sales.
I have been able to use DISC PRICE - INCLTAX to get Net Sales but can not locate:
a) Excl taxes?
b) Sur/Ord?
c) Comps?
d) Voids?
How can I get these out of PRICE and DISCPRICE?