New user to VB5 setup wizard program.
When I run it says the following warning messages but eventually creates the setup disks (with one or two features in my VB application not working) .
I am guessing while creating setup disks using the wizard program if all goes well without warnings my program will run fine on the target machine.
error messages:
1. \\kkk\vb_ent.v50\DevStudio\VB\ The setup wizard does not support UNC names. Pls make a network connection to the share & try again.
2. The setup wizard has found a reference to the file \VB5Ext.olb. however no dependency info was available to locate the dependent automation component.
could someone help me in understanding what to do?
Here the developement files (project files) are on my local machine and the setup wizard program is on server in LAN environment. should the wizard program be installed on my local machine itself?
any ideas pls..
thank you
New user to VB5 setup wizard program.
When I run it says the following warning messages but eventually creates the setup disks (with one or two features in my VB application not working) .
I am guessing while creating setup disks using the wizard program if all goes well without warnings my program will run fine on the target machine.
error messages:
1. \\kkk\vb_ent.v50\DevStudio\VB\ The setup wizard does not support UNC names. Pls make a network connection to the share & try again.
2. The setup wizard has found a reference to the file \VB5Ext.olb. however no dependency info was available to locate the dependent automation component.
could someone help me in understanding what to do?
Here the developement files (project files) are on my local machine and the setup wizard program is on server in LAN environment. should the wizard program be installed on my local machine itself?
any ideas pls..
thank you