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Please Help with This Script to Delete a File upon Logoff

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Dec 18, 2013
Ok Here is the problem, Our network the students log into google chrome and even when they log out the next user that logs in gets that students google chrome settings etc. In order to fix this I found a folder that can be deleted in order to fix this I want to have this script run at log off through the group policy however I am having an issue with the Script.
When I use this script I get a permissions Error at Line 10
Is there way to make this run as an administrator? The file is a hidden file.

I want the C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data File deleted
I've tested just going in through windows explorer and deleting this file when I log off and on as another user the chrome data is all gone so this works, the script however ..... does not

I'm sure this is a very crude way of doing this however I am still new to scripting. Any help would be much appreciated.

Dim FSfolder
Dim subfolder
Dim i

set objshell = CreateObject("Wscript.shell")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Profile = strSysDrive & "C:\Documents and Settings"
Set FSfolder = FSO.GetFolder(Profile) 'getting the user profile folders

For Each subfolder In FSfolder.SubFolders

If (subfolder.Name <> "All Users" And subfolder.Name <> "Default User"_
and subfolder.Name <> "LocalService" and subfolder.Name <> "NetworkService") Then

folder1=Profile & "\" & subfolder.Name & "\Appdata\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"


end if



Function DeleteThisFolder(FolderName)

If FSO.FolderExists(FolderName) Then
objshell.Run "CMD.EXE /C RD /S /Q """ & FolderName & """",0,True
End If

End Function

Please help and thank you for any help you can give.


Since your code is VBScript, you will probably get a better response in this forum: forum329

I used to rock and roll every night and party every day. Then it was every other day. Now I'm lucky if I can find 30 minutes a week in which to get funky. - Homer Simpson

Arrrr, mateys! Ye needs ta be preparin' yerselves fer Talk Like a Pirate Day!
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