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Nov 12, 2003
Hello everyone,

I have the following select statement:

select comp_dir, comp_poc, comp_role, empl.add,
empl.phone, empl.fax
from company comp,
employee empl
where comp.comp_id = empl.company.id
and comp.active_flg = 'Y';

This select gives me the address,phone, and fax for the director, pm and poc like below

comp_dir comp_poc comp_role empl.add empl.phone empl.fax
Joe Han Sam Jones Director Brady Ct 888-8888 899-9999
Joe Han Sam Jones PM Collin St 889-9876 778-9887
Joe Han Sam Jones POC Carlin Rd 876-8999 676-8777

Most of the companies in the database have 3 roles assigned to it, a director, a pm, and a poc. i would only like the empl_add, empl_phone, and empl_fax to show up only for the POC. In other words, I would like the record to show like below:

comp_dir comp_poc comp_role empl.add empl.phone empl.fax
Joe Han Sam Jones POC Carlin Rd 876-8999 676-8777

I don't want the empl.add, empl.phone, and empl.fax to appear for the other roles. That will eliminate multiple rows from showing up.

Hope I didn't confuse anyone.

Thanks in advance for your help...



Please correct me if I am misunderstanding, but won't you get what you want if you say:
select comp_dir, comp_poc, comp_role, empl.add, 
       empl.phone, empl.fax
  from company comp,
       employee empl
 where comp.comp_id = empl.company.id
   and comp.active_flg = 'Y'
   [b]and comp_poc = 'POC'[/b];
This gives you just the POC row.

Let us know if this is what you wanted, otherwise what you want that is different.

(aka Dave of Sandy, Utah, USA)

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