I am using the below code to save a copy of my database to a server. When it gets to the second export command I get the following error:
Run-time erroe '3313':
"Cannot place this validtion expression on this field"
Private Sub Exit_Click()
Dim WS As Workspace: Dim DB As Database: Set WS = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Filename = "\\Usbbbeeps1ms001\HID_Common\Production\Winding\" & [PDate] & ".mdb"
Set DB = WS.createdatabase(Filename, dbLangGeneral)
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", Filename, acTable, "SAP_Import", "SAP_Import", False
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", Filename, acTable, "Flex_Winder", "Flex_Winder", False
DB.Close: WS.Close: Set WS = Nothing: Set DB = Nothing
End Sub
The database is created and both tables are present within it as they should be. Any ideas ? Thank you all.
Run-time erroe '3313':
"Cannot place this validtion expression on this field"
Private Sub Exit_Click()
Dim WS As Workspace: Dim DB As Database: Set WS = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
Filename = "\\Usbbbeeps1ms001\HID_Common\Production\Winding\" & [PDate] & ".mdb"
Set DB = WS.createdatabase(Filename, dbLangGeneral)
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", Filename, acTable, "SAP_Import", "SAP_Import", False
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acExport, "Microsoft Access", Filename, acTable, "Flex_Winder", "Flex_Winder", False
DB.Close: WS.Close: Set WS = Nothing: Set DB = Nothing
End Sub
The database is created and both tables are present within it as they should be. Any ideas ? Thank you all.