I am trying to FTPing some data using the PUT command. Can I have the retry option for this. That is, if the FTP fails then retry for n number of times every m seconds. I know that we can do it by calling another map and having the the output card that FTPs as -OAFTP1R5:2....., which retrys to FTP the data(in case of failure) for 5 times every 2 seconds but is they a way to specify this retry command with PUT function.
I really appreaciate if i could get some help on this.
I am trying to FTPing some data using the PUT command. Can I have the retry option for this. That is, if the FTP fails then retry for n number of times every m seconds. I know that we can do it by calling another map and having the the output card that FTPs as -OAFTP1R5:2....., which retrys to FTP the data(in case of failure) for 5 times every 2 seconds but is they a way to specify this retry command with PUT function.
I really appreaciate if i could get some help on this.