I bought a 2948G switch from eBay few months back and have not been able to get it to work: e.g. getting it to work as a switch. I read through the 400 page manual and was able to reset it to factory defaults. I did not find any information on the configuration needed to provide "basic switching" thus am assuming that it should work out of the box (restored factory settings). It is running through self tests OK. It is unable to provide network access to any computers/network devices attached to it. I do not know if this is a defective switch or my incompetence.
Here is my current configuration:
DSL_Modem (>Router_Main (>Switch_1--->Switch_3--->Switch_4
This is what I am hoping to achieve:
DSL_Modem (>Router_Main (>Switch_1--->Switch_4--->Switch_3
Neither configuration works at this moment. Please help me troubleshoot the issue.
Thank you!
DSL_Modem ( = Seeman's Speedstream 4100
Router_Main ( = PC running M0n0Wall software with one WAN(DSL modem) interface & one LAN(Switch_1) interface
Switch_1 = 5 port Netgear Switch 10MB:
[S1_int1] - Network Server(
[S1_int2] - HTPC(
[S1_int3] - Switch_2 (
[S1_int4] - Switch_3 (
Switch_2 = Linksys WRT54GS router switch ( acting as a switch
[S2_int1] - WAN (unused)
[S2_int2] - PC1 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S2_int3] - PC2 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S2_int4] - PC3 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S2_int4] - PC4 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
Switch_3 = Linksys WRT150N router switch ( acting as a switch
[S3_int1] - WAN (unused)
[S3_int2] - PC1 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S3_int3] - PC2 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S3_int4] - PC3 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S3_int4] - Switch_4
Switch_4 = Cisco Catalyst 2948G reset to factory defaults with latest CATOS
Here is my current configuration:
DSL_Modem (>Router_Main (>Switch_1--->Switch_3--->Switch_4
This is what I am hoping to achieve:
DSL_Modem (>Router_Main (>Switch_1--->Switch_4--->Switch_3
Neither configuration works at this moment. Please help me troubleshoot the issue.
Thank you!
DSL_Modem ( = Seeman's Speedstream 4100
Router_Main ( = PC running M0n0Wall software with one WAN(DSL modem) interface & one LAN(Switch_1) interface
Switch_1 = 5 port Netgear Switch 10MB:
[S1_int1] - Network Server(
[S1_int2] - HTPC(
[S1_int3] - Switch_2 (
[S1_int4] - Switch_3 (
Switch_2 = Linksys WRT54GS router switch ( acting as a switch
[S2_int1] - WAN (unused)
[S2_int2] - PC1 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S2_int3] - PC2 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S2_int4] - PC3 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S2_int4] - PC4 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
Switch_3 = Linksys WRT150N router switch ( acting as a switch
[S3_int1] - WAN (unused)
[S3_int2] - PC1 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S3_int3] - PC2 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S3_int4] - PC3 via Router_Main DNS (192.168.42.x)
[S3_int4] - Switch_4
Switch_4 = Cisco Catalyst 2948G reset to factory defaults with latest CATOS