I found a ZOMBIE for a user called "sofri".
I could not find this user, by the command "who", but with ps -ef | grep sofri, I found a proccess belong to "sofri" with too much STIME and in TTY column just "-".
How can i have a script to find such cases?.
I found a ZOMBIE for a user called "sofri".
I could not find this user, by the command "who", but with ps -ef | grep sofri, I found a proccess belong to "sofri" with too much STIME and in TTY column just "-".
sofri 29012 29978 0 Oct 02 - 0:00 /usr/bin/sh /abic0/bin/ex vmecrid -s 000100
sofri 29978 1 0 Oct 02 - 0:00 sh /abic0/proc/e-vmecridr
sofri 32202 29012 78 Oct 02 - 11205:27 /abic0/bin/rmc/runcobol vmecrid -s 000100