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Feb 6, 2002
Hi everyone,<br>
I have been visiting these forums for a few weeks and decided to post. I am a web site designer and would like to invite any of you to take a look at the site I'm currently working on. The URL is . I have not submitted the URl to the search engines yet, as I still have some graphics to create and pages to write. I write my code in Notepad, and would appreciate comments and suggestions from other professionals.<br>
I am also interested to visiting sites that others from this forum have designed.<br>
Thank you
The site seems to be coming along rather nicley. Some of the text may be hard to see for some people (especially where you used the link="#5156C1", on the purplish background. Anyway, it is looking very nice, done in NotePad no less? I use like three differant editors right now, Homesite, Hot Dog and NotePad. Sometimes I use Word and even occasionally (when I am feeling real depressed) I use Frontpage.<br>
I could add some suggestions to improve your site, but they are more personal tastes than anything. And everyones tastes are differant. I am wondering about your button menu on the left side there... Why do you have Email and home repeated?<br>
Oh, if you would like to see what I am working on right now.. take a look at TTL's old site-<br>
and then along came yours truly and this is the result (so far) <br>
(if you want to see the guestbook work right, you will have to go to that is my computer that I do all the coding and SQL stuff on before I move them over to our main server)<br>
Keep up the good woirk, I will keep an eye on your site... oh and if you see any javascript or whatever on tritech's site, feel free to swipe it :)<br>
Thank you for making the better place! You improved that site so much. I did find a typo on your GUESTBOOK button...it says GUESTBGOOK :) Also, I was wondering why some of your buttons are in all caps and some aren't. Other than that I really liked it. It makes me want to learn Java Script NOW!! That's for the near future, but I just might take you up on swiping some of it :)<br>
Thank you for the input about my site. I will check out and probably change the link color. I have another 'puter I can go to with poor resolution that I use for a reality check :)<br>
I have the e-mail and home buttons twice so that they will be visible from both the top and bottom of the page.<br>
Thanks again for your imput. I really appreciate it. Hopefully I can help out in these forums instead of just asking all the questions!!<br>
You said you wanna' learn JavaScript??<br>
Check out: <br>
There are two GREAT study-at-your-own-pace JavaScript tutorials referenced on that page. I used them & they are REALLY helpful (two things that I REALLY suggest you have handy when you go there: 1. your handy-dandy c:\windows\notepad.exe editor :) [my favorite HTML & JavaScript editor BY FAR] and 2. A new, free, empty website [you can get one of these from: ])<br>
If you have these 2 things ready, you should find the tutorials QUITE informative and enjoyable.<br>
Happy Programming,<br>
Oh, I've e-mailed myself your URL; will check it out when I get home.
I think you did well in following a common theme throughout you pages. I do think you could improve your site greatly, however, by changing the color of your links; they are extremely hard to see against the similarly colored background.<br>
Do you have HTML-enabled e-mail? If so, please e-mail me at: robherc@netzero.net and I will send you some samples (in hexadecimal format [ie: #f08vc0]) for colors that would show well and go nicely with your current colorscheme.<br>
One other thing that I JUST noticed: on your page you have your product list arranged in a two-column table. This makes the items in the right-hand column hard to view on 14"-17" screens; you might wish to repair this.<br>
Other than that, you seem to have a great site in the making.<br>
Thanks for the tips. I am planning on changing my link colors...just haven't gotten around to it yet. I wll e-mail you for the colors. I was playing in PSP and got a little carried away with matching :)<br>
I agree with you about the table. My client didn't want such a long table, so that was my solution. I think I just may add a couple of jumplinks and see how she likes that. One of my pet peves is having to scroll to the right to see a page.<br>
Thanks again!!
LOL...that's one of MY pet peeves too!...:)<br>
I'll try to remember to keep track of the site so I can track your progress & give you any more suggestions I can come up with along the way.<br>
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