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Please explain refresh rates... 1

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Jun 5, 2003
I have several PCs, one of wich is exclusivly a gamer box. I realize more Hz is better but I am concerned about additional wear/tear on the monitor or vid card. #1Is this concern unfounded? Should I just max out the Hz refresh on my gamer box for better visual effect/ higher FPS?
#2Is changing this setting thru windows display properties the same as changing it on the monitors properties?
#3 do most games actually keep this refresh rate or does it assign it on its own settings like it does for the resolution.
ATI 9800 pro, 512MB ddr3200, 2.4 ghz p4 800FSB,
thanx for the info in advance!!
1) Yes, you should be somewhat concerned. You should not just automatically assume you can max out the refresh rate setting. First of all, high settings can damage monitors that are not specifically recognized by Windows (otherwise the setting wouldn't be available). Typically, you shouldn't need to go much higher than 85Hz. Standard monitors sold today will easily support as high as 100-110Hz, but monitors from just 3 years ago may struggle over 90Hz.

2) Yes.

3) Depends on the game and version of Windows. In 98 and XP, the refresh rate is first pulled from the OS when you start a game. Some do have settings to temporarily change it while the game is running, but many do not. Realize that the higher the setting, the more bandwidth it takes from the video card. It is similar to expanding the screen resolution which stresses the card more. With a top-notch card like yours, however, I wouldn't be too worried going as high as 100Hz if your monitor supports it.

[tab]"All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind"
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what would I notice if something went wrong with the monitor when I put the refresh at 100Hz (or less)?
can I briefly experiment without fear of permenantly hosing my monitor?
oh. thanx Very much for the help so far.
Well, I've never heard of a permanently damaged monitor from setting the refresh rate too high, as long as you don't leave it there for extended periods of time. You should be able to tell whether it's supported or not from the way the monitor reacts. It can either flicker rapidly or you might just notice a crackle or slight flicker every few seconds.

Keep in mind that you will barely notice a difference going from 90Hz to 100Hz. Once you're over 85Hz, any flicker is practically invisible to the eye in most 3D animations and movement.

[tab]"All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind"
[tab][tab]- Aristotle
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